
Wie reinige und pflege ich meine Echtleder-Accessoires richtig?

How do I properly clean and care for my genuine...

We are often asked how best to clean and care for leather accessories. There are a few things to consider and different ways to achieve the goal. In our video...

How do I properly clean and care for my genuine...

We are often asked how best to clean and care for leather accessories. There are a few things to consider and different ways to achieve the goal. In our video...

Leder bearbeiten mit Tokonole

Working with leather with Tokonole

Do you already know Tokonole? With Tokonole you can seal the back of leather parts so that you don't have to add lining if you don't want to. With Tokonole...

Working with leather with Tokonole

Do you already know Tokonole? With Tokonole you can seal the back of leather parts so that you don't have to add lining if you don't want to. With Tokonole...

Eigenen Futterstoff verarbeiten

Processing your own feed material

You've probably always wanted to make your own DIY handbag with your own lining fabric. In our video tutorial we explain everything you need to know and consider in order...

Processing your own feed material

You've probably always wanted to make your own DIY handbag with your own lining fabric. In our video tutorial we explain everything you need to know and consider in order...

Lederempfehlung & Lederverarbeitung: Welches Leder eignet sich am besten für deine Tasche?

Leather recommendation & leather processing...

There are so many different types of leather that you can use for a handbag. Sometimes so many that you don't know exactly which leather will suit you. In this...

Leather recommendation & leather processing...

There are so many different types of leather that you can use for a handbag. Sometimes so many that you don't know exactly which leather will suit you. In this...

Lederstrukturen und -finishes: Was bedeuten die Begriffe Alpina, Caviar, Saffiano, Crispel & Co?

Leather structures and finishes: What do the te...

When it comes to the look of leather, there are countless options – both in color, structure, finish, etc. How do you decide? In this video we show you different...

Leather structures and finishes: What do the te...

When it comes to the look of leather, there are countless options – both in color, structure, finish, etc. How do you decide? In this video we show you different...

Lederbegriffe und -kategorien: Welche Lederarten gibt es?

Leather terms and categories: What types of lea...

Not all leather is created equal! There are many different terms and ways to describe and categorize leather. Since this can sometimes be quite confusing, we want to shed some...

Leather terms and categories: What types of lea...

Not all leather is created equal! There are many different terms and ways to describe and categorize leather. Since this can sometimes be quite confusing, we want to shed some...